I've played with ruby, I like the language, but I'm not really digging how the database gets managed with rails. That and I don't really want to use a database any more since I don't need too. Gauh, I just need a simple front-end platform that doesn't do models. GAUH, and I don't want to use PHP.
I'm going to do something extremely crazy.
I'm going to start a new web platform (because that's exactly what the world needs) using node.js for front-end development and node.ocaml for back-end development. Now, I have to think about the name since it should have a cool acronym.
its-a-node-world = IANW?
node-world-tastic = NTW?
NodeSForWeb = NSFW?
world.on.node = WON?
world.in.node = WIN?
Yes, WIN. But, World.In.Node is kind of lame..? We geeks like recursive acronyms
WIN Is Node?
That's brilliant marketing. Well, now that the marketing is done, I need to build it.
Going to use mustache; it looks awesome and fits my universal view of what front-end developers need. Going to need routing; that's fairly easy and I've written it a billion different ways. Going to need sessions; that's a natural fit with node.ocaml's kvp system (that and node.ocaml is in need of serious testing). I just added file writing to node.ocaml, so that provides some form of persistence, and I can easily use node.ocaml for ACID. I've learned to not use cookies except for sessions and encrypted ids, so I can safely avoid most of those issues.
Things I need to think about: handling file uploads with node.js with some form of replication to S3 and a universal name space for files. This could be fairly neat especially with a work queue. Need to think about package management. Uploads / Session.
Gah, so much to think about!!! must go to sleep but hypomania taking over!!!
What about node.ocaml deployment?
GAUHHH!!! Must Sleep
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