Wednesday, November 10, 2010

The 3 Programming Languages you need to Know

Every good programmer needs to know at least 3 languages. Of course, I'm probably wrong.

I can quickly understand a programmer using the biases and stereotypes that I've built up over the years by knowing their favorite programming languages. When I read a resume, I try to classify the "why the programmer used the programming language" with these arch types and how I stereotype and use my biases to find what I want from a stack of resumes.

Happiness Language

This language is what you think in. This is the language that you wish you could use all the time. This is the language that you write your projects in. For me, this is OCaml (and now JavaScript although I'm integrating CoffeeScript into my universe). For many, this is LISP or Haskell. When I find out someone's happiness language, it tells me a lot about them.

If the language is esoteric or new, then they are passionate about computing.

If the language is mainstream, then they may be more sensible or practical about computing.

Hack-it-out / GTD Language
This is the language that contains everything including a kitchen sink. It is very mature and has a massive library base. With this language, you enable yourself to build quick services and command line utilities to help you out in a pinch. Anything that has already been done is at your finger tips.

If the programmer lists many languages, then they may be able to utilize all of them by building RESTful services.

If I don't detect a hack-it-out language or too few languages, then I suspect they are either inexperienced or too specialized.

Bread and Butter
This is the language that you can use to keep yourself alive when life hands you lemons. This is the language that you know just in case you need to hustle yourself to provide for yourself and your family.

If they don't have a bread and butter language, then they probably need some education on how to work in a team effectively.


  1. Interesting ideas. But I am not sure about how my language choices fit here. When I think, I guess I do it in Lisp (or at least, I recurse a lot mentally), it is probably my happiness language most of the time (if the problem suits, I'm more than happy to be able to write it in Lisp). But then the two following categories probably don't apply, as I am no programmer (mathematician). When I have to code something "for a living", I do it in C... and when I have to code something quickly to get it working, I do likewise (unless Lisp is better suited). Maybe when I know more Forth (or Factor) it will slip in here somehow.


    Latest in my blog: Mathematics Poster: Dropbox, Scribus and LaTeX for the Win

  2. PHP is bread and butter for most.

  3. I can't agree that if "the language you think in" is esoteric or new, that's a sign you're passionate about programming. I think it's an indicator that a person is not as good a programmer as they think they are.

    To really understand a language thoroughly enough to think in it requires a LOT of practice (a great essay on this: I can't see how this is achieved for a new language or a language so esoteric that you don't have much opportunity to use it.

  4. Python. All of the above.

  5. JavaScript is your happiness language? Are you a serial killer?

  6. I wish it could be Python for all three, but sadly at work I usually code in Java/C#.

  7. Another python for all three vote :)

  8. Nice post, definitely worth some thinking :)

    I personally use two: ruby and java. Expect java for happiness, both can play all roles. For me at least :)

  9. Hm... In the past year alone I've worked in about half a dozen languages; and none of them is a clear winner in any of those categories. Maybe its easier to categorise if you don't know that many languages. But I'm not convinced your categories are information bearing.

    I think in some unholy mix of ruby and javascript, with haskell's map, fold, filter and generator functions. And Go's streams.

    I get things done in whatever, usually ruby or maybe JS if I need to make a web service.

    And my bread and butter? Well, the things that have paid the bills in the last year have been objective-c, java, python and ruby. And C#. And some CSS.

    So, what does that say about me? That I'm a big language slut? ... And?

    I guess I prefer to make the computer wrap around how I think rather than the other way around (= prefer imperative languages). And I prefer to make code work than make code tidy (= prefer scripting languages than java, c).

  10. 1. I think in natural language. Since Perl imitates natural language...

    2. C

    3. Java | JavaScript

  11. Mine are: Ruby, Ruby and C#

    I use other languages to mix things up every now and again, mostly to keep things interesting but also to work on new platforms. I have lots of 'occasional' languages (C, ObjC, Java, Python, Erlan, Lisp, PHP etc)

  12. 1. Lisp
    Currently coding my chess engine in Clojure.

    2. Perl
    Quickly get things done and it's usually installed.

    3. Java
    Almost all school courses were in Java, currently using it a bit on work besides PHP.

  13. re: If the language is esoteric // If the language is mainstream.

    Can't say I'm convinced. People who love to ship like things with complete ecosystems. I write scripts in python and larger pieces in C# -- both have enough popularity and libraries that I can write working, maintainable, dependable code more quickly.

    Having tried to write in lisp, I found the terrible libraries and documentation made writing shippable software significantly harder.

    Esoteric languages may indicate a love of theory, not practice, and all of the value of computing is in the practice.

  14. I second mutiny as well. Python it is for all three.
    Maybe C(++) for 3, as I need to use that as well in the few cases high performance or low-level access is needed.

  15. 1. Erlang (Great for prototyping and robust stand alone servers)

    2. Python (Excellent combination of OO and functional programming. I use it to extend Erlang and for Google App Engine)

    3. C# (This paid rent for 8 years, but personally I think they made a hash of it with the release of VS 2008)

  16. First two are Python.
    My bread and butter is Java

  17. This comment has been removed by the author.

  18. 1. Ocaml
    2. Python
    3. C#

  19. 1. Javascript (Node.js)
    2. Python
    3. Python (PHP as backup but i hope i'll never have to use it for the bills)

  20. Programming languages can be very fascinating indeed, but for me, they're just tools. Seeing as how easy most languages are to learn, I think the one I use at the moment tells more about my current situation than it does about my personality.

    This kind of association leads to stereotypes and we all know what good those are.

  21. 1) Object Pascal (FreePascal, Delphi)
    2) C
    3) C++

  22. 1) JavaScript
    2) Python / Ruby
    3) Java

  23. Ramasse-miette et buffer !

    (yeah, it somehow wouldn't work well as a pun in english)

  24. I'm coming round to Python's versatility. It hits all of them for me. It's gone from being a fun scripting language all the way to allowing me to perform some quite complex calculations.

  25. Python, Python and Python. Although, I might try to look for a different happiness language in the near future.

  26. I think we all go through faces...

    "right now" for me is

    Ruby, ruby, PHP

    9 years ago

    C#, perl, Tea (yeah I had to code that sh$#)

    And a few years ago

    Python, perl, C#

    I'm all over the place

  27. what is the difference between the first 2? Most of the ppl write their 'little helpers' in their happiness language or their happiness language is crap...

  28. sorry mate but your article sounds bollocks.

    the idea of 3 languages seems wrong. the categories you created have nothing to do with much in the real world. and the ifs at each category, full of shit. just so you know, not everything revolves around programming languages

  29. My happiness language only exists in my head.
    Sometimes I think I understand it,
    and could reify my thoughts as a new language.
    So I sit down to write the spec,
    and set to work with a parser generator,
    but realize it needs more self-examination.

    Then I hack some other personal project,
    or churn out production stuff for the day job,
    and dream of happiness once more.
    I strain to glimpse the higher-order pinnacles,
    shrouded in clouds, beautiful and succinct.
    I pledge to start my ascent,
    but know that it is unattainable.
    It will always be something I know deeply,
    but cannot describe.


  30. happiness -> clojure
    hackitup -> ruby
    bread+butter -> java/javascript

  31. This comment has been removed by the author.

  32. Are you people serious? Defining a coder by the language he uses is like defining a painter by the brand of paint he choses to use for a single painting.

    Drew Stoddard

  33. Python (and recently Clojure)

  34. Java * 3. There is a point where esoterica is not innovation it's just distraction.

  35. Haskell, shell script or Haskell, C++

  36. C#. C#. C#. Can't bear to program in anything else anymore.

  37. 1.) JavaScript
    2.) PHP/Python
    3.) C/C++

  38. 1- X86 assembly
    2- X86 assembly
    3- X86 assembly
    C#, C# ,C#!

  39. Maximum satisfaction = ARM assembly

    2. C
    3. SmallTalk

    Least satisfaction Microsoft's (frameworks/macros for) in C++ (aaaaargh! - no thanks)

    Q. Why does this website still not behave correctly with Chrome? [sort it out]

  40. C++,C#,C.
    Know what you do, and why. Basically if you know little, don't bite off 2 much. Everyone should list java perl pascal bash COBOL etc, as relevant.

  41. I think this should be extended to more than basic programming languages. Isn't the purpose of programming to solve a problem? My happy language is scripting - I can work with dozens of powerful cool and productivity tools with knowledge of scripting. I can solve a complex problem in Excel (not one of the cool tools) in minutes that would take hours to program from scratch. My hack-it-out is MATLAB/SIMULINK I build the problem as a simulation, matrix function, or other model and then generate C code. Here I can solve problems in hours that would take days or months to program. Bread and Butter? SQL. 95% of programs store and retrieve data. Almost every programming language above will use a database at some point. With SQL I can essentially work with all of them.

  42. This comment has been removed by the author.

  43. I don't think in any programming languages but I can talk in bash/shell. Additionally, I agree with those who disagree with the premise of this post. Programming languages are tools. Use what best fits the need. However, upon saying that, I can state the languages that fit the emotions implied by this post.

    Makes Me Happy: COBOL II || OO COBOL

    Get It Done: bash && awk

    Bring Home the Bacon: Whatever the job needs

    While there are some languages that I like more than others, there aren't any that I would not use if the situation called for them. Heck, I am in the process of getting a degree based on C++ and DirectX.

    Footnote: Do not start with me about my Happy choice. Five minutes of research will show you that

  44. Wow, great post. My last career is going to be sociology with a focus on technologist.

    happiness = C#
    bread butter = MS web stack (html,, javascript, jquery, ajax....) with emphasis on C# business libs
    gtd = usually c# because I know it, but use perl when it is just for me (log scrapping, etc) and have a lot of fun doing it

    No dogma on my part, my choice is mostly due to inertia and advancing my salary. That said, I still care about my bread and butter language and like a previous post, I find it complex and interesting enough to keep me more than busy. As a LOB developer for a number of years and more recently developing near real time trading apps, my experience is the language is in the end a tool that you need to know the details of such that the business problems can be solved - period. The marketechture for a given language rarely (never) superceeds a quality programmer designing, coding, and testing a solution - in any language.

  45. 1) PHP (since I was a teen)
    2) C# .NET (when I need to through something together)
    3) T-SQL (actually a db architect as my bread and butter)

  46. 1: I am designing this one: it will make // programming much easier to program than sequential programming. Meanwhile, I'd say Ruby or Perl.

    2: It is absolutely impossible to use just one given any non-trivial project: Perl or Ruby / JavaScript / C / bash / SQL / sed / awk / lex / ...

    3: Don't tell: I'm a whore, I've made money with Java / C++ / C# and even ColdFusion (script-based only though) and, I had forgotten this one: in Z80 assembly (Oops, I just disclosed my age).

  47. You know, I'm a desktop developer, and I really don't like web technologies although it's nearly impossible to work here in my country as a desktop developer. After reading your article, I started rethinking again about this, and now I'm studying web tech. :)

    Thank you very much! My best wishes. :)
