Saturday, July 24, 2010

Disclaimer: Selling is Hacking (the nature of a hustler)

When I was in college, I didn't like a lot of things in the business college. I'll be honest, it was annoying to see business majors drunk all of the time where as I had a mountain of hard work. Now that I'm a grown-up, I find myself very able to build stuff, and I realized that most business college guys end up with shitty jobs.

Sometimes, I watch the sales guys that are really successful and realize that they are hacking with a different platform. They are hacking humans; this is interesting.

This journal is a collection of thoughts related to hacking the human brain by taking advantage of the fact that humans are irrational. While I wish we were perfectly rational human beings, it isn't going to happen. Instead, I figured it is better to learn these techiques and then become a advocate for open source and other things that make the earth better.

It is one thing to know you are right, and it is another to persuade someone that you are right.

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