1.3 months in : results (December 26th to Feburary 7th).
Lost 40 pounds.
LDL and Triglycerides lowed.
HDL raised.
Leaner profile.
better sleep and regular.
No guilt on Saturdays.
0.9 months off : results (Feburary 8th to March 5th).
No weight gain.
No change in cholesterol.
Terrible sleep.
Guilt for enjoying.
First week back on : results (March 6th to March 10th)
Feel amazing.
Lost 4 pounds (mostly water and colonic change).
Sleeping like a baby with regular sleep.
I really like the slow carb diet, and it works for me; it also improves my mood. I went off of it for two reasons.
First, I've heard people on carb-free diets gain their weight back quickly, so I tested that hypothesis. This is a completely bullshit excuse that my rational mind created to make the emotional side seem less of an idiot. The real reason was because I'm changing cities and I wanted to suck Kansas City dry of its BBQ. I made sure to enjoy my favorite places like Jack Stack and Arthur Bryants. Again, this is another bull-shit excuse, but I'm going with it.
Seeing how it affected my mood and sleep was enough for me to say "fuck this, I'm going back on".
Congrats on your loss. I've messed around with high protein/carb restricted diets myself (including SCD) and I've never quickly regained the fat that I've lost either. Now, if I break the diet I might quickly regain a few pounds of fluid but the fat comes back slowly, at least in my experience.