- How do I make a programming language not Turing complete yet useful enough and have that programming language satisfy the halting problem?
- Why do graphical models feel powerful until I need to do something with them?
- How can I utilize a Bayesian Network in a compiled form (for embedded systems)? Is this even useful? Can compiled Bayesian Networks adapt over time? Can I produce chips that get better over time?
- How can I make Bayesian network inference super fast?
- How can I use computer graphics to aid in teaching programming and software design?
- Can I map out the entire infrastructure with a modelling language and have a compiler manage an infrastructure?
- Do I even need a schema? What are the managerial aspects of going schema-free?
- How can I make using a database suck less? Why is relational so sell-able yet so damn silly? Is relational out of date? How do I design with key-value pairs?
- How do I deal with replication between non-heterogeneous environments? How do I deal with the CAP theorem? How do I replicate from the earth to the moon?
- Is it feasible to put a mini data center on the moon?
- How do I balance expressive graphics with high performances?
- How can I make extracting good data from HTML suck way less? How can I query a tree with a beautiful language?
- How do I utilize map reduce to produce good relevancy findings (recommendation engine, duplicate content)? How can I improve the quality given free-text?
- How do I build a Voronoi diagram on non-euclidean spaces?
- How does building a state machine compiler work for making synchronous looking code asynchronous without threads? Would Narrative Javascript + node.js be full of win?
- How can I make sure node.js is going to win?
- How can a game/physics engine be built around non-euclidean geometry?
- How do I make sure CouchDB doesn't suck for some of my future projects?
- How do I make jobs?
Some of these are old, and I'm fairly sure that some have open source solutions now. Some of them have answers, and I just need to read the current literature. I've got other questions, but they are more business related.
The most fundamental question I have is how can we improve education?
I think about education more than I should because I care deeply about it. My next project is going to related to education.
19. How do I make jobs?
ReplyDeleteForm a startup perhaps using the ideas above ;)
@Mandoragon I should have said "How do I create revenue to pay for jobs"