Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Special people in our lives

I would like to take a moment to thank the special people in my Life.

Currently, I have a company of friends. I have my fiancée. Thanks for being Awesome.

In college, I had excellent teachers. Dr. Hsu, you're awesome. Dr. Burckel, you're awesome. To all my KSU professors, you're awesome.

In high school, I had two particular teachers that enabled me to develop in my own special way. Thank you Miss Farmer Mrs Julian. Thank you Mrs Phillips. Thanks be to the librarians that put up with my shenanigans.

All of the teachers that I remember were awesome, and I can remember a long chain of teachers going back to Mrs. Williams in first grade. Teachers are awesome.

I believe the best way that I can honor them is to be the best person that I can be, and my fiance is the focal point of my life. I've had a lot of grief over the years, and I wouldn't be able to live in this world without her. I have come from the darkest regions of my mind, and I've stood in the face of darkness. I have the power to resist the temptation.

John Lennon was correct and "All you need is love".

I've always fashioned myself as a hard person since that is what I thought the world needed. I was wrong. The world needs me to be the soft lovable Santa type figure that always has a smile and a large supply of hot cocoa.

So, I'm going to be positive from here on out.

And when I come around a negative person, I will hug them and move on. Life is too short to try to convert the haters and the closed minded people that make the world unpleasant.

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